Lacing the DERMACLOSE device is straightforward and easy to learn.The guides and videos on this page provide the detailed instructions you need to quickly master the lacing techniques and help you get the most of your closure with DERMACLOSE.

General Reference Guide

General Lacing guide using the Very Manageable Wound (VMW) technique

The Six Anchor Technique

Additional instructions for lacing DERMACLOSE using six anchors

High Tension Offloading

The DERMACLOSE device can be used to offload high tension closures in application such as:

  • Surgery in the extremities (e.g., knees and ankles)
  • Amputations
  • Spine surgery
  • Cases of poor wound healing (to help avoid dehiscence)
  • Abdominal or trunk wounds
  • Obese patients

Using DERMACLOSE with Negative Pressure Wound Therapy

The DERMACLOSE device can be used with NPWT.
However, it does NOT require the use of NPWT to be effective. If the surgeon determines that the wound requires NPWT, the steps will aid with placement for both extremity and abdominal wounds

Lacing, Line Release, Removal and Wound Closure Videos

Line Release


Wound Closure

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