Surgeon testimonials
Who: Dr. Eric Halvorson, MD.
Specialty: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Facility: Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Experience with DermaClose: 5 years
Primary use: To close scalp and lower extremity wounds
“It’s amazing how in 5 to 7 days it will get things closed with a better cosmetic and functional result.”
Who: Dr. Risal Djohan
Specialty: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Facility: Cleveland, Ohio
Experience with DermaClose: 3 years
Primary use: Donor sites, chronic wounds, and fasciotomies
“Closes wounds at a faster rate than conventional modalities and may result in a better cosmetic result vs a skin graft.”
Who: Herman Houin, MD
Specialty: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Facility: Henry Ford Health System
Experience with DermaClose: 5 years
Primary use: Fasciotomies and open wounds and as a method to pre-expand tissue prior to surgery
“When you add in costs of multiple procedures, applying DermaClose in a prospective manner makes a lot more sense.”
Patient testimonial
Who: Jamie Mendoza
Watch a moving patient testimonial on the power of DermaClose to heal.
More testimonials
“High tension closure of surgical wounds increase risk of impairing the microcirculation surrounding the wound, and can cause tissue strangulation. Expanding the tissue around the wound increases good vascularization, supporting and strengthening wounds until healing increases the tissue tensile strength.DermaClose Tissue Expander supports the closure and releases the tension, significantly reducing risk of dehiscence due to poor cutaneous circulation caused by a high tension closure, and other risk such as, obesity, lung disease, smoking, and poor nutrition.”
“DermaClose is an important tool in my surgeon toolbox. It is very effective for closing wounds as well as helping to close or stabilize troubled wounds. It is also very effective for offloading high-tension wounds. DermaClose works well all over the body including the scalp. My experience with this product has been excellent.DermaClose has been an important addition to my practice and I highly recommend it to other surgeons in multiple specialties.”